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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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an american who was held in solitary confinement without being convicted of any crime that's not a complaint that's a reminder a very uncomfortable reminder perhaps to many people as to what this country has become how far the government will go to keep its dark and dirty secrets secret they've launched an intimidation campaign against whistleblowers and it's especially contradictory considering that the obama administration was the one that promised to be the most open and the most transparent so if you think that talking about the fact that the president is a hypocrite and his government is overly secretive and that this one american out of many may have been held in conditions that amount of torture by international standards is a complaint i say change the channel until you're ready to wake up and get a taste of the truth of the government has nothing to hide about how they treated manning they should just let one mendez pay him a visit now to the next one i want to respond to a comment on twitter from film dave he tweeted i can't wait for westboro church to start picketing k.f.c. openings little league games the a lower show c.b.s. studios and car dealerships ok now i gotta be honest i'm not exactly sure what my
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show has in common with little league and k.f.c. but k.f.c. is my guilty pleasure how do you know dave anyway i welcome the westboro church to picket me any time i don't like case i love them i think they deserve exactly the same rights as everyone else i even think they make this country better so westboro bring it on now lastly i want to respond to a comment about our happy hour for monday a rediscussed a restaurant planning to ban it children from their establishment. social evolution said on you tube did she just give a plug to jamaican hedonism resorts l.o.l. love you alona now people please get your mind out of the gutter i was simply saying that i prefer resource that for our four adults only meaning that there are no kids splashing around in the pool while i'm trying to relax jamaican hedonism resorts are your thing that's fine but they're not mine and that's it for today's ranting i will have more as usual for you next week. now earlier in the show we updated you on the continuing murdoch and news of the world saga not only are news
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outlets finding themselves in the middle of a scandal right now journalists are also leaving their current positions to move on to the quote dark side of public relations so is this just another indicator the news as we know it could be a thing of the past artie's christine for south takes a look at where it's all headed in. the personality of all this additional intelligence or newspapers like the seattle post intelligencer the rocky mountain news and hundreds more have now become relics from the past. slash budgets have stopped the presses newsrooms nationwide. and nast layoffs throughout media have meant far fewer journalists to investigate policy and procedure who are losing their sense of accountability in government and business in all our. life lives if we lose journalists who aren't asking questions about what's going
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on the numbers particularly dramatic with newspapers where revenue has been cut nearly in half while the journalism industry is shrinking the public relations industry is expanding at one time a one to one ratio between p.r. employees and journalists today that ratio is four to one with p.r. revenues jumping from three point five billion to eight point seven billion dollars journalists are simply overwhelmed by folks who are trying to spin them or trying to create their own story you have the public relations folks that spin doctors if you will driving the news cycle john nichols along with robert mckee has me wrote a book about it the death and life of american journalism in a sense we are becoming one of the most propagandized countries in the world short staffed news stations often use company video news releases or vienne ours like this one if your ex about chances are the first are going to show up before the age
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of five p.r. to skies as news the nutri good as gold mimics press releases also often read on the air or posted on the web before any fact checking is done with the focus often on getting it first rather than getting it right good evening everybody breaking news tonight we're heading into a program with some breaking news where corporate and government p.r. departments are filled with former journalists who know how to sell their message they understood how media worked what. reporters thought it was a good story as opposed to hype bush ward works for nearly twenty years as a journalist with the philadelphia inquirer but after layoffs he left to work for health insurer independence blue cross before returning to work as a journalist that revolving door between the press and p.r. . yes and government is causing real concern about what the long term effects could
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be if the influx of spin doctors take over the message machine completely where there is very little journalism be done in an awfully lot of spin you create some dangerous circumstances for citizenry for democracy itself goes straight to questions white house spokesman jay carney worked for twenty years as a journalist for time magazine now he's president obama's spokes person former broadcaster and columnist tony snow went on to serve as a spokesperson for president bush and jamie rubin went from the state department under president clinton to executive editor at bloomberg news so common such as a common practice and no one no one is questioning or anymore in a time when hack and flack are often one in the same and the spin machine works overtime as the printing presses come to home so the question becomes can a meaningful force a state actually survive. in washington christine for r.t.
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. so as p.r. spin masters now outnumber journalists four to one in america do we say that journalism and that is dead and we accepted this new norm and learned how to live and work with it or is there still something that can be done maybe like looking organizations that leak rather than just spam joining me to discuss that is christopher chambers lecture at georgetown university and author of the blog that turns her ventures chris thanks so much for joining us i mean now if you think about it if you go into p.r. you probably work less and you probably make a whole lot more money than you do if you're a journalist so can we say they were really shocked that people are choosing to go to p.r. instead well not really i mean they're oh no i mean given the market given the orientation of things but i mean journalism is more of a calling i mean i don't need to tell you that i mean it's a profession i mean you're part of it part of it i mean but the p.r. is come. use that term lightly off of basic corporate communications
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advertising unsettling and the implications of that are really dangerous so give me an example when the b.p. oil spill happened they had a huge press conference for the joint investigatory panel for deepwater horizon the reporters from all the networks and newspapers started to look around and realize there were like fifty sixty seventy people in the room half of them were p.r. people from the oil companies that were there to not ask questions but to answer them for the coast guard i mean the implications of that for policy are frightening you know so it goes beyond just younger people trying to make a buck when they get out of school yeah but i think that the schooling part is one of the really interesting factors here is that we've seen from the top journalism country's top journalism schools in this country start to shift their focus where they're no longer just a journalism school they also tack on communications there you know when you teach your students what do you tell them do you tell them that this is
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a calling or do you tell him that this is a business and that there might be some spinning and maybe involved the n.p.r. is better both i mean you know because when you look at schools like in the bill that are doing that i mean you know we have a self-contained p.r. program at georgetown and it's definitely starting to outpace our program and we tell people yes this is a calling i don't want to you know call out my university but i mean we still see people kind of easing over to the p.r. thing because you know the it is a it is a rigorous discipline but is it a calling you really are involved in spin we try to do whether we're journalists or p.r. program or a law school is called the ethics and the kind of the catholic kind of jesuit kind of way of looking at public service but not everybody is doing that so you have people selling it is about selling i mean reporters can't even go out and do investigative journal. many more you saw in the report nichols is
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a book about video news reports i mean there was a pew research. did a study based baltimore market half the stories were from video news clips press releases from from government about a third from corporations and then there was a sliver a sliver that reporters dug up on their own so what does that tell you i mean we are in a propaganda society we're in a market society a marketing society they are the princes and princesses of marketing not journalists and that's all but that's what newspapers that's what you know television stations that's what they have prioritized writing lies that they can do this on the cheap if they just see this already prepackaged stories or videos that come out where they don't have investigative units anymore i'm just wondering so now if everybody is involved in some form of spin everybody is telling you their side of the story then you really can find both sides of the story usually i guess it just revolves or involves a lot more work on the part of the reader or the audience that you actually have to
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actively seek out you do and that's there and is the problem because we are bombarded constantly you know you can make an argument that the education system isn't teaching people how to do critical thinking and the more so when you have the perfect storm of insanity of information bombardment of speed and propaganda bombardment people don't have the time and sometimes even the training to be able to discern the truth i'm just wondering since so what do you think you think that organizations like wiki leaks are things that you know might be similar to a are kind of the next frontier there they don't necessarily hidden but just down i think i think you know well obviously you know julian assange and the people who run wiki leaks or wiki leaks like organizations might have a certain point of view but that is the new frontier the problem is we haven't gotten to that frontier yet we're still seeing the old paradigm disintegrate and we're in the middle of that now and god knows where that's going to. we see that now i guess i'm going to be derided as
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a way to wait and watch chris thanks so much for doing. what just ahead she eats a burger and becomes a huge scandal all thanks to the newspaper so tonight we give that paper article time award and happy hour should obese children be taken away from their parents was it why minnesota residents could soon be running out of booze and cigarettes i don't.
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but you know if you keep. the world today.
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products. he says he followed russian invaders to. their big breakthrough. spotlight on story on technology update.
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we. covered it. it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to the washington post the famed newspaper here in d.c. dates back to eight hundred seventy seven and it's been considered one of the most respected newspapers in the world and back in the one nine hundred seventy s. the reporting of bob woodward and carl bernstein led to the watergate scandal and the downfall of president richard nixon and the paper is most well known for all of its political coverage but oh how that might be newspaper has fallen this week of those who broke a major news with the following headline michelle obama orders seventeen hundred calorie meal at shake shack can you believe now it turns out there was about a fifteen hundred calorie meal but that's not the point here this is
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a suppose it world class newspaper has a leader in print journalism actually put time and effort into a story about the first lady eating a burger and fries at a d.c. restaurant i'm sorry but it's just stupid but not to be outdone the next day they also ran an online poll asking is michelle obama hippocrates for loving burgers give me a break guys she ate a greasy burger it happens at the paper as a notice the first lady is in excellent shape she's got a killer body she often talks about her workout routine and the post wanted to know if it was a bad example for the first lady to be eating a burger while pushing her let's move campaign to fight childhood obesity you know if the post just did a little bit of research online they would see michelle obama has often said go ahead each your favorite foods but in moderation and with exercise that's the key if you can work out the you can have a burger every now and then you don't have to be miserable and deprived all the time now since the washington post ran with the story it was picked up by a few other websites and most of the t.v.
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networks actually ignored it thankfully as a non-story but there is one network that just couldn't resist i know you're thinking it was fox but you would be wrong. first lady michelle obama famous for her let's move campaign the first lady letting go of d.c.'s best burger joint yesterday and a.b.c. sharon alfonse he was counting the calories yesterday she indulged stepping into the newly opened burger stand to shake shack fellow diners shot cell phone pics if she ordered up a burger a chocolate shake fries and wait for a diet yes a diet coke total damage seventy five hundred calories. are added several morning network news show doing a lame story i guess we've come to expect that from them daily but to think that all of this started with an online article from the washington post i wonder if anybody the post even cares about their former brand of high and mighty journalism anymore judging by their coverage of michelle obama's burger for lunch i want to say no and that's why the washington post is tonight's told time winner.
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all right it's time for happy hour tonight and joining me this evening as our team correspondent lauren lyster and anthony rand as the director of economic research for the reason foundation thanks for joining me guys thank you for having me. ok. michelle obama eating a burger obviously trying to fight obesity in the u.s. but there is a new harvard researcher that has their own idea of maybe how they could handle this take a look in extreme cases the placement in just a lister chair can be the alleged cheating option placement and truly a false truth with just three square meals a day sneaker to you and access to regular gentle physical activity
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can sometimes lead to dramatic weight loss the next you know what else foster care can sometimes lead to i don't know how about a dramatic emotion. and a million other things that could go wrong i just don't understand why instead of wanting to educate people about how you can eat healthy and exercise like michelle obama is trying to do which by the way conservatives try to attack why the natural instinct here is this is just a click kids away put the parents in jail no big deal well he was actually giving some examples of really extreme cases where he did see it work and i can see his point in the sense that childhood obesity i feel like it's such a big epidemic in a phenomenon that parents are responsible for and i do think it shows it is a form of neglect however when you see the amount of costs and consequences of foster care i read one statistic that is about forty thousand dollars per child when you kind of look at the costs of foster care i just think that you could probably find a way to have a family give that child three healthy meals for less than forty thousand dollars a year for the united states government is well equipped to take care of two
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million children and make sure they put them on a good way to are you kidding me but its absence is absolutely ridiculous and in their way this is sort of like a next step like we did when we had the idea that the u.s. government is going to be dictating to people how you know what kind of insurance you should have in terms of health care and what not the next step is ok well now if you're not treating your kids right we're going to tell you how you should raise them and the kind of food that you should give them sort of like a slope in the stretch but those costs do end up coming back to the government when you have an increasing number of kids that have diabetes that turn into adult that have diabetes and end up on programs like medicare medicaid that taxpayers that's what i'm. going efficiently and i think that's what we want to educating people so you don't have to create larger cost by locking parents because they can't take care of their kids i mean if you want to talk about neglect then i would say that that's a big part of that is just taking the parents away and throwing the kids out of foster family like you said there are experts there and i just want to be
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a more reasonable more sane way to handle it they also can't motional health here as well because you are going to ask that is that is incredibly key. however following that logic you could argue that a lot of times you hear where children are given food to stuff feelings because parents don't want to parent enough or they don't know how to deal with it so maybe there is no there are many i don't know i don't know so you just want to start stuffing your face even more but if you're having going to dance you know losing a. little monster when our diversity but there's a lot of us are not what we're saying is that there's a lot of great parents in the united states new yankee research shows you telling us they were out of the. us maybe in a way that you had to be the new law your kids or disaster truly hold your family to take some of the bad stuff. next story we've spoken to you about the government shutdown it's going on in minnesota of course this is not only affecting just employees that work for the government the private businesses as well and i think that this one might actually actually make people decide or at least
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a lot of makers decide to really tackle the issue and solve the problem take a look. in minnesota bars restaurants and liquor stores get their licenses from local municipalities once approved they pain annual twenty dollars fee to the state to get a card that allows them to buy alcohol from a wholesaler the right now no one is not the department of public safety to process those cars we have a permit. well and that he is going to give us his libertarian first. but from my perspective i think that once you start taking people's booze away when they can't go to the bars anymore and there's nothing to drink then that's when you might see some protests in the street you might see some riots and that's when they're going to kick the government in the butt and say enough with the shutdown figure out your problem and this is going to affect cigarette smokers because a lot of the people that sell cigarettes and get cigarette licenses are going to be affected i think when the cigarette smokers can't smoke that's when you're going to really really. you know it's unfortunate that it's going to be this that winds up
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kicking the lawmakers into doing something right now there's a report there's a couple across the border in canada where they've just adopted a child but they can't bring the child across state lines or from canada into my state without the signature of a government official so you have this couple who are basically holed up in a motel waiting for the government to get back going so that they can then return home with their child and that story should force governor dayton for the republican side of the gavel you know what sort of you know the new there's a who is a big that's honest and i don't want to be coming to the alcohol issue can we actually that would be a good thing for all of these cities and states that can come into agreement for california where we're from work which they can never pass a budget maybe we should start with holding liquor licenses. and everybody are going to be my great gal and they protest and governments have to but you're the real story here why do we have look at licenses like this of course i know i have to bring them but why do we have to have state monopoly on the sale of a wholesale liquor. store you say there's no reason there should be said there should be some standards and you know we've seen a lot of stories where
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a bad booze assault or people die there's been a lot of fears of this but you know russia as well. get poisoned because they buy some cheap vodka on the side of the road and there should be a form of regulation or license to get there a new line where you're going to even if you're just granted one liquor license license up front why do you have to keep renewing it every six months to a year you know you need those fees you're easy and i mean exactly what i mean when you have a great exactly and that's the real story here it's ridiculous ok this one really quickly obviously there's been a lot of anger directed towards the t.s.a. this one woman actually got herself put in jail because of it because she refused to let her child get get a pat down which i know is that is that a commendable for a mother to do i don't know i mean i think that she was didn't want to kids to go through the body scanner and i'd have to say i don't blame or those things freak me out oh i don't even if there is radiation. i don't you know they say they say that they're safe i'll stay off my. if you actually read the story on. i've had enough i
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told you if you actually look at the story this woman completely lost it saying you're not going to the scanner you're not checking my child i one level she knows going to the airport she's going to have to go through this and then totally snap there is something on this motherf to be a sort of be aware head of time of kind of what do you want to track your eye receiving suddenly or yeah like i don't yeah are so. we didn't do our last story and have more running out of time running out of time there are we have to do this right there is there's a new arena bob in town and this is why the industry investigators believe forty eight year old catherine q baker how to plan that was calculated they believe she served her husband dinner at least with drugs at their garden grove condo last night when her husband passed out she tied him to their bed allegedly cut off his penis with a ten inch kitchen knife placed his body part in the garbage disposal and turned it on then she called nine one one the garbage disposal that was really gets me on
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this story but you know i'm kind of surprised that we don't see more lorraine a bobbit out there that we don't hear about stories. like this more often i just figure that there will be more women angry angry women chopping up more penis why are you encouraging that's never said it was a horrific story also about a woman legal or is it ugly survives there are more penis is being thrown into the vs i think one interesting stat about this story today is the amount to which men seem a lot more affected by it just the men in our office have been really disturbed by the press attention this is god it's absolutely horrific and i'm frankly i just want to leave because i just don't want to talk about this it hurts me it hurts me to be from us all so i'll stop laughing you have of the misery of many but out there are guys thanks for joining me thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow behavioral economist dan ariely will be on the show to explain how the study the finds of most americans would choose to live in a society with far less income disparity and we have right here in the u.s. now in the meantime don't forget me from a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of
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tonight's or any other night see his catch you tube dot com classic you want to show you have next is adam versus the man. in india oh geez availability in the movie the joint the hotel rooms a movie that's a great way to go to the grand imperial trillion dollars what's the coromandel you can a letter to. say don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was the term is used
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to retreat. rupert murdoch's media empire abandons its bid to take over britain's largest satellite broadcaster as a frenzy over a newspaper hacking consumes politicians and police. divers are said to make a final attempt to find twenty four victims of russia's pleasure cruiser disaster who are still missing. and the owner of the company that. has been arrested. and to washington where russia lays out a new step by step strategy towards iran that may bring to iran back to the negotiating table over its nuclear program.
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eighty out of the russian capital you're watching r t we were in a joshua welcome to the program some battled media empire news corp has announced that its dropping its bid to take control of britain's largest satellite broadcaster the move is intended to head off public outrage over allegations that several of his newspapers were gauged in rampant phone hacking scandal has grown to include the british government and police officials who stand accused of complicity and corruption across the atlantic shocked us senators are calling for a probe into allegations that nine eleven victims were also targeted by murdoch's newspapers but as r.t.l. or am it reports the media mogul's rise over the decades offer of plenty of warning signs over what was to come. rupert murdoch's push to expanded british media has come to a halt public and political rage the phone hacking has fooled news corp to drop its
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bid to buy satellite broadcaster b. sky b. but some say he's. already killed the british press and they were saying it's far back as one thousand nine hundred eighty one that's when he went on a media spending spree and bought amongst others the world renowned times newspaper news international has been playing a toxic part of our public life for so long but it worked under his ownership circulation just kept on rising in a market that killed off fathers and sky t.v. a loss making and tips kill a satellite network rocketed to become the biggest player in the u.k.'s pay t.v. markets i do admire rupert murdoch because he's a risk taker when he bought the times and sunday times of london the newspaper business was absolutely in peril in the u.k. mostly because of the unions and because of some other economic factors he turned that around. basically there are people who will say that he saved the newspaper industry.


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